Technology and the information age have dramatically evolved in the last decade and so have the resources that are available to both consumers and Beauty Specialists. The overwhelming information can be both inaccurate and confusing. While Beauty Specialists are educated with product knowledge and skills training provided by retailers and vendors, there lacks a consistency in the industry on the overall safety of personal care products and how the industry operates in Canada.
The Beauty Specialist Certification Program (BSCP) is a new initiative of the Cosmetics Alliance Canada, as part of our vision to:
“promote public confidence in the cosmetics industry by providing reliable and credible information, education and accreditation related to health, safety and standards”.

The concept of this program was developed by a Steering Committee representing the industry through retailers, brand owners, subject matter experts and the Cosmetics Alliance Canada staff. The eight subject matter experts (including Cosmetics Alliance Canada staff) developed the online curriculum and content of the program using a combination of theory, research and practical experience.
The BSCP will arm professionals in the personal care industry, or those seeking to join the industry, with the knowledge and information that is required to be considered competent in specific areas of their occupation, particularly as it pertains to reassuring consumers on the safety of our products. This program will also set a standard for employment for those interested in joining the industry as well as support those already employed.
The BSCP is a tool that will provide our industry with the knowledge, information and skills necessary for Beauty Specialists across Canada to:
- Deliver consistent messages to consumers regarding the safety of cosmetics and personal care products
- Understand how cosmetics are regulated in Canada and why consumers can be confident about the safety of the products they use
- Possess the ability to answer basic questions that consumers may have regarding the safety and science behind the cosmetics they use